Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ruffle T-Shirt

A few months ago I found this ruffle t shirt tutorial at Tea Rose Home. I instantly had to have it...but it took me a few months to get around to making it. Right After Oliver was born, I went shopping and found that Down East was clearing out some of their wonder tees and they were only five dollars. However, I found that when I bought two, they took two dollars off, making them four dollars a piece. I decided to make one for me and one for my sister's birthday gift. This made for a total of three shirts (two for the shirt and one for all the pieces). All in all I spent $12 dollars. That's six dollars per finished shirt. This pleases me.
I usually throw a cardigan over it and feel pretty much adorable for the rest of the day.


  1. Della! I love this shirt! Did you use any tutorial for it or just make one up? The ruffles are so cute! Love it!!!

  2. The link should take you straight to the tutorial. Thanks for all of the sweet comments.
